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Friday, April 22, 2022

Dear Dairy #7 - The Unknown

It’s a weird unsettling feeling                                                                                                    
The RED spot that stands out on a white gown
The headliner not at a concert
The United States Flag without the stars
Streets without the street lights
A mind without a heart
A body without a soul
It’s that thing words can’t explain
A love that never grows old
A superstition that makes sense
A thought manifested instantly

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Analytical Muse #1 - Dimed Lights

Close the doors                                   Turn off the lights
Close the blinds
Only candle light
Remove the batteries
From the remote
No need for TV
It’s a freaking joke
Listen to a couple podcast
While I write
Picture to sight
That’s what I like
It’s a mystery
When it comes to me